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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Spent 3 days in Sentosa with family :) It was fun! We went to USS, took the Galactica (red), and I think it was one of the scariest rides of my life. My uncle suggested I try the blue Galactica but I couldn't summon the courage to try it. My legs were already wobbly after I took the red one.

Then went for bash. Personally, I think it was quite a fiasco because there were only 5 people there out of 9 from our og. Most of the time there was just 3 of us sitting there and feeling bored while the other 2 went off to find their friends. Had to shout to make ourselves heard too, which I was good at but which my friends were not good at so most of the time I was asking them to repeat themselves most of the time. Or maybe it was my terrible hearing. But overall it was quite fun watching 2 of our og mates getting crowned law king and queen. ;) What a lovely coincidence that they both came from our og. After the pageant 3 of us continued sitting to see if people would start dancing, but no one did except for about 3 other people waving their arms lazily about on the dance floor with cocktails in their hands... So we left. In conclusion, it was a very peaceful clubbing experience for me.

I don't know if I'm being unfriendly but I am consciously avoiding a what's app convo, because I feel like I've lost touch with those people. Heck, I was never truly close to them anyway. Over time I've drifted apart from them. They are closer because they've known each other for a longer time. How do you quit a w/a conversation without being rude? Meh, I'll just let it buzz.

What do you do when you see someone getting slowly eaten away by the daily grind of work? When the person turns so bitter that every word he says drips with negativity? It's really hard to reach out to people like that because they are so trapped in their own world of darkness, that they can't see any light in whatever consolation you provide. Sometimes I feel so angry at people like that, because their very presence puts out the happiness in any setting and hurts their loved ones. A person like that is just a black hole that destroys everything near it. It's the worst kind of person anyone can possibly can be. Other times I feel a tad useless and guilty because I haven't actually tried to reach out to and counsel these people. It's a huge challenge just to approach these people because you have to pick your way through all their angst and try not to let yourself or that person get hurt by it. And blogging about it doesn't change anything either. #genuinelypissed.

A really calming song:

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