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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My brother was listening to 21 Guns (Greenday) that day, and I realized that the first two lines are actually sort of thought-provoking. Do I know what I'm 'fighting' for, in today's paper chase? Am I blindly pursuing the University Dream?
Felt so demoralized today, then I went to sleep on the sofa, and I woke up feeling normal again :)
Greenday is so cool :3

Today our ki teacher implored us to be rational individuals, because society is growing ever more irrational, with so many arguments and sentiments that don't make sense (for example... I don't want to think of examples now). Today's lesson was really interesting, and I felt glad again that I took ki, although I don't feel so glad that the prelims are coming. It was good to realize again the purpose of learning ki.

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