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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm here because I think I don't have inspiration. So, what's new in my life? This is such an egocentric question. But since I created this blog to feed my vanity, I shall share with you the mundane details of my life.
I've been addicted to this song: I like her soaring vocals. ^^ But I have no idea what the song is about, because I mainly listen to the tune and not her words (except "we could have had it all...rolling in the deep" and "there's a fire starting in my heart"?)

With I had some fire in my heart now. You know, I learnt that chasing dreams means two things at once. It means that I have a very coherent set of beliefs that tell me I am right in pursuing this dream and I should give it my best shot. But it also means that I have another conflicting system of beliefs, which are also coherent within themselves, that tell me I'm absolutely deluded and I'm just too unaware of reality for my own good.

Introspection has failed me.

Telling myself that it's better to try now than to regret about not trying later is a rather weak reason. It lacks conviction.
Heck I think I lack conviction and I'm just whining.

I think I've been more resolute before. I'll get back my resolve. It makes me ashamed to see people around who are so determined, but I'm not entirely sure they don't suffer from the same doubt as I do... I guess doubting myself at this stage is normal, doubting is a very human thing to do...

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