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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Horrible me... Lazing around at home... instead of going out*coughcough*...
Band outing 1pm @ bedok, Class outing 2pm/stj @ hougang. Right. Mmm.

Would like to do many things which are actually not my business.

Would not like to do a few things which I am involved in.


8( Why did I not get to do a research project! Sigh. But this is water under the bridge. No point brooding over it liaozxzxz.

I want to go on a Glee binge now but I think it would be unwise. Maybe I'll just settle for every Wednesday 10 pm on Channel 5. Wow I love the Glee acapella songs :D
Why don't we have an acapella club in school! Awesome much? :)
many other awesome songs too, get yourself off your notes and go on a Glee Spree! :D
WOW flight of the bumblebee acapella?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6y3oTycMa0&feature=related

Monday, June 14, 2010

I pledged to myself that I'd spend today productively.
Nothing has happened. I've just been trudging through the Net for EOM sources. Rarh I have issues with patience. Anger management. RARHGH! Research that takes too long only confuzzles my senses and messes up my thoughts and makes me see red.
That's why I'm here to take a short break from the Internet's rubbish.

Had 2 quite-long bus rides today, to school and back home. Yeah. Long bus rides are nice. They give me and excuse to stone and try to look like that provocative and lonely-looking face you might see staring out of windows at times. Hahahah.
Anyway, the bus rides felt shorter than usual because I resumed the use of my iPod. Yeps. :)

Hmm I kind of miss school. Or rather I miss seeing friends and people I know all around me.
But I also like the life I lead right now, which is erm, bumming around for the whole morning, and then doing some work in the afternoon, and watching TV at night. :)

Song of the day: 100 years by Five for Fighting
"Chasing the years of my life~"
Tells me not to forget the larger picture of life, and get a move on from wherever I'm stuck at. Mmm. Good.

Also that day I felt like some of SuJu's songs are actually quite nice after all, but then after watching their videos over Pam's shoulder on Sunday, I'm reminded of why I cannot identify with k-pop. It's because of odd dressing styles and songs overly-dependent on dance themes. Wahaha.

I've been cursing aloud at the Internet and EOM all afternoon. I hope my voice doesn't carry out of the window and reach my neighbours' ears. Oops! D:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Argh I felt like such a bumpkin when I looked at the Czech photos!

I must spend my time travelling more.

Never say no to an invitation to go overseas with my family! Half of whom are currently in Vietnam.
I said no last time cos my mugger side took over. :/

Czech is so pretty. Actually the whole world is very pretty, if you're a good traveller.

I hope HCBand goes overseas sometime. :)

Might not be such a cool place, but travelling's fun anyhow :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm blogging too much! Then again this isn't going to be much of a post.
The house is much quieter than usual without my brother, who's in Vietnam on holiday now! Together with my aunts and uncle.
I should have gone with them...!
Apparently he went to Halong Bay today/yesterday. Wow.

Mmm life is so much quieter without school.

Unlike the holidays I had while in ny I don't have many plans to go out for this one.

Holiday's Goal #1: Maintain my weight. HAHA.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quite a few people (can't really remember who, but my brother is one of them) have said that Singapore's a really small place and we (i.e. refers to all youths, especially) should get out of the country and explore others.

What better way to do this than joining the Pangaea Expedition? 8) It sounds so cool! Obviously it's out of my reach since I'm so physically unfit (you need to be able to sail and walk on glaciers and climb mountains and snorkel etc.) and unadventurous.
But it will be such a wonderful experience to be able to do all that and go exploring wildlife...!

Yay nvm just go take a look if you don't know what I'm talking about http://www.mikehorn.com/en/pangaea#

I'll settle for going on little holidays around the world... bit by bit, with my family...

Okay, no more daydreaming...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Must. Study. !!!!!

It's almost been a week.
What have I touched?

D: D: D:

Okay I'll be a hermit at home in the 2nd and 3rd week cos I've got nothing on :D

Sometimes people just aren't interested in making friends with you.
[or vice versa. it's not that i'm not interested, it's just that I don't know how to strike up conversations. I've got an anti-social nature btw, and I'm not trying to be in-your-face or defiant or rebellious. It's really the truth.]
And so, sometimes, when you make an effort, it goes unnoticed. Poof. Just like that.
The only person left to appreciate it is you.
[And on a more optimistic note, maybe a few unexpected others.]
When that happens, it's really heartbreaking.
Oh okay whatever it's the holidays. I'm going to ignore myself.

A song that fills up quiet nights wonderfully. :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

OMG! (Please continue reading if you want a recount of my band exco interview!)

Okay. The interview was disappointing, hilarious, and disturbing.
I shall go in a chronological order!

1. I dozed off while reading my KI notes in the morning, and woke up at 10.15. Promptly went UH-OH! in my head and dashed off, leaving the house at 10.30.

2. Reached the interview venue at 11.30, which is when the interview's supposed to start. Before that I ran up 4 storeys, so when I reached the place my legs were shaky and I was panting. Visibly. Argh! Seniors noticed and told me to chill... And so I explained that I ran up the stairs. D: Bad start already!!!
My mum says I should have cabbed there, and yeah I should have done that!

3. When I walked into the room my first thought was "O_O the interview panel is so huge! And the whole exco is here!" O: It was 11 people seated in an arc in front of me D:
Then after that I saw an overturned chair right in my path, near the door. And another upright chair further away but not in the centre. So I walked around the overturned chair and carried the upright one to the centre and sat down. All this while there were chuckles coming from my seniors -_-
Lol come to think of it that was funny. And my mum was laughing at me cos she thinks what I did was stupid >_> She says I should have placed the overturned chair in the correct position and sat on that one instead. But ahh there's no right and wrong for this kind of thing. I think interviewers do that just to laugh at their interviewees lor! Hahahah.

4. First question: "Describe yourself in 5 sentences."
At this point in time I was still panting while trying to answer the question. This was when they told me to chill. And somebody offered me her water bottle but I declined. Hai.
Anyway I spat out my description for this question and tried to catch my breath better after that.
Plus when I started talking I noticed there was something wrong with my voice! Only after the interview did I realize that it was because my voice was actually a notch higher. O:
Okay but after the first question I think I got calmer, caught my breath better, spoke slightly more normally.

5. The rest of the questions... I'm not going to type out all of them, but they asked questions like:
-- You're not in main band. How do you think that will affect your chances of getting into exco?
-- What do you think a librarian should be like? (oh i'm running for librarian btw.)

6. And finally... they asked me this:
Can you tell us a joke?
o_o hahah
Anyway my first thought was Blue Gorilla! (credits to jiayun) But I decided that was too long and so I went on to the Lame Prawn joke ("lame sia!") (credits to pam). And most of the J2 exco recognized that except a few, who groaned when I told them the answer. So lame sia.

The end!
Lol hahahah I think my seniors are funny.

Sigh I shouldn't have been so lazy in the morning!!!!! Regrets, regrets.

So for the rest of the day in school (which ended at 5) I was feeling a bit jumpy-- after-effects of quite a disastrous interview.
On the plus side I think it was good I could answer all the questions.


And then after that there was the DNA workshop. Feeling a bit uncertain about my DNA sample cos I'm not so sure I put it in the right amounts. Dealing with tiny amounts of liquid is not my thing. Let's hope it turns out well!

As for exco results, erm, I don't want to think about it... It's good enough that I've gone through the interview and prepared a speech, so I'll just leave everything to... this Friday!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hahah I just niao-ed my brother for singing out of tune. (I can hear him from my room.)

Sister's Island trip was quite fun today, I remember ruffling a coral with my hands because it was so soft and feathery :D :D Forgot what it's called. Uh oops? :)

We also saw seahorses, a sea snake, a sea cucumber (fat black lump--> oversized leech eew/ I cannot imagine why it's a delicacy), lots of fishes, hermit crabs, water spiders, an octopus , a spider conch (some kind of snail), many snails.
We probably killed a lot of animals by trudging around in the reef flats today. Probably trampled over a lot of holes-- these holes house shrimps and gobis (is it spelled this way) and maybe squashed a few sea horses and what nots on the way 8|

Mmm I think I'll just treat elections with more positivity. Anyway I'm writing the speech now and it's not as difficult as I thought it would be.
I'm reading through what I've written now though, it sounds like I'm talking to my friend. It's not a wonderful mrs-ting-style/council-election-style kind of speech.

(Gah youtube lag. laglaglaglaglag)

Feeling happy~ after watching awesome dance night :D
I think the bboy/bgirl segments and the one with the teacher (RUA Dancer) and Fiesta and Transcendance and some Chinese Dance segments were the best! :)
Heh that's half the whole performance already.

Am going to wake up about 4 hours later to go to Sister's Island to muck around.

Plus I'm listening to Owl City's songs so I'm feeling happier.

Plus I'm rubbishing around online. Yay sweet rubbishing.

Would appreciate it if Owl City tracks me down and tips me for this free publicity, jkjk.