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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions:

subject to (positive) changes!

1) Treat people as well as I have during the holidays. And more.

2) Be more hardworking, more driven.

3) To get closer to achieving number 2, I must think through all my decisions carefully first.
(but of course be decisive at the same time)
Especially academic decisions. O:

4) Stay fit and do not turn into an inert mush.

That's about it. Oh. Plus number 9 of j's resolutions. :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Very self-absorbed I feel these days.

And despite my rock-bottom boredness a few days ago, i've started to realize that there are still quite a fair number of things i can occupy myself with for the rest of the holidays. My mum keeps warning me about the hellishness of JC life. So that I can treasure my holidays more. (while she goes back to work. wahahahahah)

Soon I'm leaving the house for an overdue ice cream date with some CCA pple. Can't believe I agreed now that I'm going. It's at bukit timah + I haven't talked to all except one for ages. And ages and eons and blahblah.
Think I agreed purely out of goodwill. Very short-sighted of me. Now I have to take a 50 minute bus all the way there for a cup of icecream. O:
But I'll go there without complaints since I've agreed.
And i've got time on my hands. *

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I think I must be one of the rare few people who feel that holidays shouldn't be too long. Oh except for pling.

Yes, holidays are fun.

But I've already started to feel the symptoms of too-much-rest. I'm now reaching the end of the 6th week of the holidays. And there are 3 more weeks to go... :|
Of course these 6 weeks have been enjoyable, with family company and occasional outings to celebrate birthdays/christmas. (Btw, I haven't gone out with any friends except for that outing on elsa's bday. call me anti-social. i think this is what i'm like deep down anyway...)

A few extra weeks of holidays should actually be good. More rest, more play. Not for me though. I think my bro badly needs some of that. I don't really have a plan for January already.


Any mention of JC now only gives me jolts of shock. It's the usual. New environment, studies, etc etc. my fingers and brain go numb just typing this out.
It will be comforting to see familiar faces next year. :)


I just finished reading The Magicians. (browsed through almost half of it actually.) It's not my cup of tea at all. The part which builds up to the climax of the plot (when Q graduates from magic school) is spoilt by monotonous narrations of how Q doesn't know what to do with his life, how he lusts after 'forbidden passions' but feels regret, and how he anxiously awaits his real life to come save him from boring Manhattan.
Also after reading fantasy bestsellers like Harry Potter I can't really appreciate modern fantasy stories anymore. For example, a bored teenage boy stumbles upon a magic world. And so on.


Yay Westlife's album is out! :D
Wonderful voices.
Nice piano background music.
Therefore good album.


This is a very fragmented post. No more common topic.


Sometimes I rack my brain for another hobby I could have, but nothing comes to me.
I guess this is just my hobby. Reading too.
I must learn how to knit.


Oh no if you find that this post doesn't suit your tastebuds at all, because it's so flat, it's only because I feel so bored now.

So, move on!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Today, when I stepped off the weighing machine, it screamed.

Hahahah, I'm not anorexic...

Holidays are interesting times.

1) They make me more aware of myself, mentally and physically. Because this is when I don't lose myself in schoolwork and exams.
(at least for me, I do feel that there's a huge difference in the way I behave if you compare me in termtime and me on a holiday.)

2) So I've noticed that my speech has changed too. At times. (Times when I react spontaneously). I've been speaking in Singlish and Chinglish and whatever other Asian forms of English there can be, at home, to my mum and my brother.
That is not a bad thing. Singaporeans speak Singlish. Part of their culture. Chinese speak Chinglish. Part of their culture too. I'm a Singaporean Chinese. So.
But when school starts, the business starts, so I restrict my Singlish and Chinglish to almost zero.

Still, it's the holidays, and my mind is too relaxed for any deep thinking/writing/wtv.

Bye bye!
It's the TV that's making me brain dead, by the way...

Avatar is a really good movie, by the way. There are a few questionable romantic bits though. Just a few. The rest of the movie is... just riveting. :)

I feel narcissistic already.
So... bye bye!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I know I've said it on my MSN personal message, but I have to say it again: I'm trying to make my own meatball marinara! (Subway's, if you've forgotten)
Hahah. I hope it turns out fine. Meatballs without seasoning smell delicious too.

Before the meatballs cool, AFK!

(Not bad. But Subway's has more ketchup.)

Holidays make me feel rather detached from... whatever it is. Makes me realize how uptight I was during term time and how my mind actually works when it is relaxed.

Anyway, I'm losing interest in blogging, because i'm blog-hopping, so bye bye!
I'm sitting in my room, on the verge of feeling bored. Not feeling bored because I'm trying not to waste my holidays feeling bored... :)

First, the trip to Bangkok (4th to 9th december) was a very relaxing one. Retail therapy. It wasn't much of a cultural eye-opener, because Bangkok is almost like Singapore in terms of its landscapes. But it was amusing to observe how shopkeepers tap their goods with your money if you're their first customer. And I also heard korean pop music playing in several stalls in Chatuchak (the huge market). Rejoice! I didn't realize the korean wave had spread to Bangkok too.
And the retail staff in Bangkok are almost all very friendly and easy-going (like with bargaining).

I'm now listening to 紙飛機 by 林憶蓮. Very comforting song. Didn't realize before now that Chinese songs could be so simple but sentimental... now I appreciate Chinese lyricists more.
Plus, this song was written by a local lyricist (Xiaohan I think). :)

Also, I wanted to volunteer at my aunt's hospital (St. Andrew's Community Hospital) around now, but the plan was scrapped. Because my uncle persuaded my aunt that hospitals are not safe enough for volunteer work... since there are germs all around...
But I don't think I am very passionate about this volunteering stint anyway, not now, especially since this hospital is in Simei (and I'm in Jurong).

I think someone's horn spoilt. It's beeping repeatedly >.<
Oh it stopped. Yay!

And I spent Monday and Tuesday helping to paint our main door (it's now peach and white). Still haven't given the grill a final coat of paint... Sigh... painting is tiring work.

Signed up for MUNIP (model united nations introductory programme) at S.'s invitation. I have a few reservations about this programme, but I think it's worth a try and it could be an interesting start to life in JC1. Some doubts about it, because I'm not the type to speak out forcefully in mock debates... D:
I hope there are other thirteeners in this programme too!
(and this doesn't mean i'm regretting joining this programme, if any MUN people or my partner stumble upon this blog)

Finally, plan for today:
Pack my room and hopefully I can throw away about half of its stuff!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sometimes I shudder to think which of my facebook friends could be ploughing through my profile and trying to get more information about what kind of life I lead now and what I'm like, etc.

Not the point of this post!

I was reading joey's post about perfection... And I admire people like her brother, who has so much drive for his work and compassion for other people.

I think it's all a matter of finding where your interests lie and what you want your life, your legacy to be like. Some people find it early and some people find it really late. I haven't decided on mine yet.

I don't know if I'm just finding excuses, but I guess part of why this is so is 'cos there are many limitations that I have now. Like making sure that I do well in my studies first, choose the right subject combination and university and do well academically, basically.

This is horrible. I just found a flying ant's wing on my thumb. Where did the rest go? O:

I think that was just an excuse. Never mind, take it that I was blabbering out loud.

And it takes time for a long-term goal to form I guess.

That's why it's important to travel widely (as much as your pocket money allows you to) and read widely too... so that we know more about where we stand in this world.

I think that was quite unnecessary because I think many of us have heard that from many people already.

Never mind.


This kind of sums up my day :)
(Oh yes and the book that I must finish by tomorrow too.)