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Sunday, May 10, 2015

I get the general sense that most girls feel that they are not good enough for most things they do. And most girls look for external validation. And most girls don't like to say no, because they might lose that external validation.
That must change.
We're all good enough, most probably even more than that.

Even when the going gets tough, or it feels like it's impossible to do something-- just know that somewhere, you have it in you to do it, and you just have to set your mind to it. And you'll be proud of yourself for trying even though it doesn't really succeed, or the haters hate you for it, because by trying, you'd have learnt something in the process. If you don't want to set your mind to it, because maybe it's not your style, or just not worth it, then don't.

Maybe I'm talking mostly about myself, and I could be extrapolating too much. But what I'm saying probably applies to other girls, too, because I read part of this book by a lady called Sheryl Sandberg about the same issues. (Well, I didn't finish the book because I got bored of it. No offence.)

You have to believe in yourself-- because you know yourself best. And no one else is obliged to believe in you.

I'm probably saying all this because of some observations I've made here that have made me impatient with the way things were going, or that have made me pause to think. And also, from a more personal angle, I'm trying really hard to do well here and I feel like what I've learnt in the process is more valuable, and more useful than some grade that I'll receive at the end of the semester, even though maybe the grade is useful in telling me how many smart people there are out there. And I really believe in what I'm learning, I think it's useful in some way, whether it's just for general knowledge or for the work I might be doing in future. And man, I'm tired and I want some encouragement from myself. And I'll get going again soon.

Add this to the list of things I wanna remember from my stay in Hong Kong.

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