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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I guess one of my missions is how to lead a principled life... and stay true to myself. I've had some subtle external influences inspiring me on how cool it is to stay true to myself. It's all too easy to stray from one's principles. I find that I'm surrounded by temptations and distractions. And being someone who has a short attention span and is, well, rather easily tempted, I find that staying true to myself is all the more important.
The TVB drama I'm watching now has this really upright ex-cop (acted by Kevin Cheng). So he's one of my influences in staying true to my principles. Like he was really determined to prove his innocence before he went back to being a cop. Even though he loved being a cop.
But of course the slamdunk influence on me is Mr LKY: I was reading this article about how he challenged the US CIA. And I quote Mr LKY: "The Americans should know the character of the men they are dealing with in Singapore and not get themselves further dragged into calumny. They are not dealing with Ngo Dinh Diem or Syngman Rhee. You do not buy and sell this Government." 
That last sentence... is so dope. And at that time he was in a really difficult position, just after the failed merger with M'sia. So despite immense difficulties, he stuck to his principles. That's like reaching nirvana to me.

I'm doing this paper for my Fraud/Corruption/Computer Crime class, and the prof suggested that exchange students like me do something related to our home countries. And I thought really hard about what I could write about in Singapore, and I couldn't think of any good topic. At first I was mildly pissed, but then I realized it was a good thing. That SG is one of the safest places in the world, so much so that I can't even think of a good topic for my paper. 
And I remember telling my exchange friend here that 'sg is safe and boring'. Well I feel a bit ashamed for saying that because on second thought, I'd rather it be safe and boring than... dangerous and exciting.
Anyway, grateful to be a Singaporean, and grateful to be part of a country that was helmed by Mr LKY. May his spirit live on in all of us and future generations to come.

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