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Thursday, July 17, 2014

I love how being young is about assuming (and rather rightly so) that time is on my side, and that I have a certain allowance to be irresponsible.
At least in this part of the world.

I'm rather tired of hearing people around me talk about their plans which will ultimately fulfil some goal, or bring them to success. I mean it is not THEIR idea of success they are talking about. It's society's idea of success that all their life's plans revolve around. Right, the very same people will scoff at what I just said, and may privately call me all manner of insults such as lazy, defeatist, naive. But scoff all they want, I want to hear my OWN voice   amidst this cacophony.

Growing up is realizing that there are actually so few people, maybe none, who agree with you. But maybe the next phase for me is having a big enough heart to be able to listen to these different voices, accept them, and still be able to hear and heed my own.

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