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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Here's a rubbishy post about the holidays.
Today I snapped out of my brief holiday-reverie, and I was reminded of all the responsibilities (and rights, but there are more responsibilities than rights, methinks) that come with being 21 years old. And now I groan and wish to myself, can the holidays never end? Can I be allowed to live in such ignorant bliss forever? Ignorant bliss must be what the afterlife is like, if there is even one. However, I do not have any wish to visit the afterlife, even if it sounds pleasant. Can life then be kinder? ("No, I can't be kinder," Life squeaks back.) Can I be a hermit then? -- but how would I survive as a hermit?
My heart is getting so heavy.
But maybe thinking like that is too hedonistic? Depends on which life philosophy you subscribe to, Kantian philosophy or hedonism, as this <ARTICLE> alludes to. I don't know which one I believe in, but I guess I can't go wrong with a healthy mix of both.
Maybe hedonism is rather flawed, although it's an admirable theory, because life has never been kind to any living organism since the Big Bang. So hedonism will do no good to anyone 'cos we'll all just crumble and die wrapped up in our blankets of down. There needs to be a basic sense of responsibility, although people have different notions of 'basic'. And also despite all that mankind has done so far to reach this advanced state of living we have now, there are still many wrongs to be righted.
Even though our parents' era seems so innocent and 'golden' to us, I doubt it actually was. I guess they all faced the same problems we do now, and maybe additional problems of a different type (given the different world politics playing out, etc.)
Okay back to my hedonistic holidays before they run out.

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