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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Goodness, the makeup printer is so cool. (click here if you haven't seen) She's my hero (one of them at least).

It's the holidays now. I feel like I'm in the eye of a hurricane, watching all this creative destruction unfold around me. You know, people have described the development of our society as creative destruction, because we are all doomed people but we come up with very creative ways of living that doomed life. Meanwhile, nothing much is happening on my end, which is quite pleasant although I feel rather bored. But I mustn't think like that all the time (and I actually don't; it's probably because I'm left to my own thoughts on another ordinary night) because it's pointless and it's damaging to my morale.

I've said this before, but today I feel like I'm a lucky girl. So many people out there have sad pasts and unspeakable circumstances that they hide from the prying eyes of society. Well, I do have my share of sad stories to tell (everyone does), but it seems narrow-minded for me to attach too much weight to them. It's sad that there are people suffering among us. And it's also sad that even while I am aware of the existence of these unspeakable circumstances, I feel like I mustn't trust people who beg or busk or ask for donations on the streets.

Signed up for zumba. It's fairly amusing and I felt quite good after one session (you know, exercise produces endorphins and all). Only downside is I feel awkward because I don't know anyone there. But oh well my main aim is having that 1 hour of exercise, not making friends.

Nu huo jie tou is good. It makes me tear at ordinary but touching moments. :') It's very real. (also note: deprived kid who doesn't have cable TV is talking right now) It makes me want to go out there and help people, and it makes me want to tell everyone out there that they have their rights and they mustn't let themselves be bullied by others. And this is something I do not learn in law school, where people go in and feel like they've walked into a warped version of the Hunger Games. But as I said earlier, using the example of begging/busking on the streets,  it is not always easy to tell right from wrong, and even as you embark on this Herculean task, you may find that there is no right or wrong. Still, just because it's difficult, doesn't mean you give up on it. Watching the drama reminds me that I could be where I am for a bigger purpose in future. I mustn't give up. This sounds rather idealistic, and even I have a little difficulty believing that I just typed that. But it gives me hope that there is meaning in what I'm doing, and hope is better than no hope.

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