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Monday, November 11, 2013

i quote from some university advice: (you can click HERE to read it if you want)
1. your friends will change. let them.
i've changed and-- i would say-- everyone i've known has changed. and i don't care about it at all. 
cos with all i've seen so far, i've gathered that nice people don't stay nice and horrible people don't stay horrible. i quote a friend and extend her reasoning: if somebody does something that you don't agree with, you don't label the person a 'bad person' and reject the person/shrink into yourself. you try to make sense of things.
when i entered uni i vaguely noticed some sort of gap between my maturity level and the maturity level of the general population around me; i was trusting, immature, naive, possessive. and i wondered why the world could not accommodate my maturity level. Now I try to be aware of that.
also, well, here's also a reminder to take my bitchings with a pinch of salt. i try not to let rumours around me affect my perceptions of (some) people (well, only if i have a favourable personal impression of them). because i know they have a pleasant side and they are human. i've experienced it very clearly with my current project. 

such is the world; change is the only constant. 
one thing that CAN stay constant, though, is the amount of faith you place in yourself. because that is one thing you can control more easily. let that amount of faith be high. 
another thing that CAN stay constant is your sense of self-- know what you want. if you don't know what you want, you're likely to follow the crowd, and you're likely to make decisions and not really know why you've made them, and you're likely to wake up from your life one day when you're in your mid-40s and realize that you've been living in a nightmare all your life. 

update on emoness: not so emo anymore, haha.
shit, prop, shit.

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