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Sunday, November 10, 2013

ooh hello sanity, it's lovely to be back home

i swear this is one of those crazy times


tmd still need to start studying for finals, and the status of my revision is -50%. That's right, negative.

i've severely underestimated the difficulty of lobo. and as for prop, i've never underestimated it, but now i'm totally sure it's in truth 100 times harder than it seems to be now

Seriously never identified more strongly with this phrase. Maybe I should just give up, and not care if I fail this shit. And now everyone's scared of everyone. -.- Humans are such jokes. Look at all the fks I have to give for this project. I've spent enough of my time, energy and emotions and I don't have any left to spend. It was a mistake creating this group, and a very taxing mistake that I will learn from.


  1. Jiayou marshy!!! :O Don't give up, if you try your best you can look back without regrets? I know it's much easier to say than do though... Take care!!! <3

  2. thanks yunnie! :) it's better now, more peaceful, haha.
