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Friday, May 14, 2010

Reached home today at about 7, had dinner until 8 because I watched TV ;) and after that I had a nice shower.

Remembered that I had KI work. So I took out the book to annotate and come up with more points but I was so sleepy that I alternated between dozing off and annotating the book. So from about 9 till now,which is 10.30, I haven't done anything really productive. And here I am!
I'm listening to the Forrest Gump soundtrack, because the chorus kind of planted itself in my head after band :). Somehow the soundtrack makes me feel sad and sleepy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEN1_ggo_GQ&feature=related

I think I'll start on work soon, after I feel more refreshed :D

CSM today was vaguely more interesting than the past few years', mostly because I walked around and we collected 13ers on the way :D and also met teachers.

I'm quite bored now. So I'm going to write more... crap...

I remember reading about this guy who quit a prestigious job because he looked around at his colleagues, and didn't see anyone he would want to die for.
Really extreme, but it is something that makes me think of what I actually want.
Do I want academic prestige, i.e. good grades and a wonderful portfolio, or would it be more rewarding if I built my friendships better? Friendships that last beyond helping each other with homework...
Normally I don't think of such things because 1. there are many other things on my mind and 2. I try to strike a balance between the two (and probably don't succeed at doing so).

Hmm I don't have an answer to that.

Eee I'm addicted to the Forrest Gump soundtrack.

Heheh I feel a thrill of excitement whenever somebody mentions Lord of the Rings. My first thought is, "Is this person also a fan of LOTR? :D:D"

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