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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whoa the only other time I felt this free and pleasant was... sometime during the december holidays. Seriously, I have nothing to do this evening but go facebook, blog-hopping, and maybe read some of my notes.
(Mum says one should never say that he has nothing to do. Must always find something to do!) Oh well. Then here I am, blogging :)

I kind of forgot what I wanted to blog about.

Ah. So anti climatic.

I wanted to say that I find rock musicians very intriguing, and that one day I must travel to US/England to visit them, see their culture. (Did rock originate from US or England? Should be
US right?) Then I can learn how to play the guitar and find out why most of them have such weird tastes for fashion.


That's all!

Hope you had a nice CandY holiday! :)

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