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Monday, February 22, 2010

I don't want to say this, but I need to get the fear out of my head!

I'm suffering from hair loss! D: D:
(as of today?)
(i hope it doesn't continue...)


Meanwhile I shall go and work on my biology notes.

My posts have not been very long and thoughtful, because I need to save my thinking for my homework!

bye bye!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm trying to make lipids notes now, but making notes seriously does not interest me... And Chingay's here to distract me.

I should stop getting distracted!

I want to work at Google! 8D

But where do I start from?

I don't know what computing is...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whoa the only other time I felt this free and pleasant was... sometime during the december holidays. Seriously, I have nothing to do this evening but go facebook, blog-hopping, and maybe read some of my notes.
(Mum says one should never say that he has nothing to do. Must always find something to do!) Oh well. Then here I am, blogging :)

I kind of forgot what I wanted to blog about.

Ah. So anti climatic.

I wanted to say that I find rock musicians very intriguing, and that one day I must travel to US/England to visit them, see their culture. (Did rock originate from US or England? Should be
US right?) Then I can learn how to play the guitar and find out why most of them have such weird tastes for fashion.


That's all!

Hope you had a nice CandY holiday! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Note: This post starts off sian, but it does end with a more positive note and I do feel better now.

After a lot of dawdling online, I think I shall now write. I’ve been feeling rather low these few days, with a few periods of happiness here and there. Today I was feeling quite upset because:

1) I felt fat (I do not want to become anorexic though, and I won’t o_o) after all the CNY goodies

2) I don’t see myself making friends like many other people have done already.

3) I’m staying at home during CNY with my homework for company

4) I can’t make decisions on a few things about college.

I think I’m a melancholy person by nature, but I also think I’m optimistic. These few days the melancholy has been taking over my moods. I seriously think I should try being more jovial with my new class, because I think it is just my reservations and maybe dark moods that make me walk around like a zombie x). So. I don’t think I should dwell too much on this because it is not possible to psycho myself into moods at will.

Next thing. I’m interested in joining band but I’m not so sure I can handle my time that well. Take this. I need time to sort out my thoughts (even though sometimes I think I sort them out too often, and unnecessarily) every now and then. And I’m not a very organized person. I could change that. But will I do it well enough?

If I don’t join band, I could join HACAS and Mentoring Club.

My brother says that JC is a springboard for ‘better, greater things’. Like scholarships and university. And it’s also because it is so short that we must make use of all the time we have to, say, build up our portfolio and make the most of the rest of our childhoods. Scary thought, I’m growing up! I don’t even feel like an adult. Anyway, what does an adult feel like? I guess most adults are just children at heart with added responsibilities and added stress.

It is not good to keep in mind the desire for more scholarships as I go to school. It makes school life artificial. So I need to learn how to balance between having fun and being achievement-oriented.

I’m such a serious person… Where did my jokes go to?!


Also, I like economics. Economics is everywhere! :D Shall not elaborate because that would be boring.

While I’m typing this, I can hear Auntie Lucy laughing and saying “so embarrassing!” in a falsetto voice. It’s really irritating but I like it!

Every year my family watches the CNY celebrations on TV and we look out for our own horoscopes. Just listened to mine. It cheered me up a bit because it was optimistic (in fact I think it’s the most optimistic one I’ve heard for a few years already). Of course, how the year turns out depends on my own attitudes and my efforts also. Not to forget lady luck! :D

Meanwhile I'm grateful that I have old friends from 413 to get me by the lonely times :) Okay, not that bad, not loneliness to the emo extent -.-

By the way I think my grammar has been deproving (oops, another mistake) ever since the start of last year’s holidays. But it’s okay, I think I’ve still got the rules of grammar wedged somewhere deep in my brain… *prods head*. Of course you won’t spot any error in my posts (I hope not lol) because I read through them and edit any mistakes I see.

Whatever. I need the toilet. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! :D And remember, you aren’t supposed to be celebrating V. Day with any significant other half of the opposite sex yet! (A)

Friday, February 12, 2010

(this post focuses alot on my moods, etc. So skip it if you think you don't feel like reading about somebody else's mood changes...)

Was actually kind of upset today because I realized again that I haven't managed to really make friends with my classmates yet... sigh... and the festive season didn't make it better because I'm used to very high celebrations in my old school...
But a shopping trip after school cleared my mind a bit.
1) I should actually be quite thankful that I've gotten such cooperative classmates (we don't push jobs around, and people are very initiative)
2) I haven't exactly been my friendly self anyway.

Strangely (but pleasantly!), I received a message from an ldp grpmate today! To go out for a reunion lunch. (oh it failed in the end, but this is not the point). It reminded me of the early days of 2009 when I was so enthu about ldp :D the good old days. And I started to wonder why I was so friendly back then and so stoned right now, in the presence of new people. :/

1) major mood swing o_o
2) i feel more comfortable in a smaller group?

Oh I don't like this. This post is too serious.

Anyway, I was riffling through facebook pics with my brother. Quite fun. Realized that I've been about the same size for quite long already >_> Okay hahah nvm ignore that.

Whee I love Ares! :D Fac dance rocks!
And my class! :D class banner pwns!

And I still find it hard to believe that I saw what I saw today! D: I mean, did I really see it?
(you're not supposed to know what I'm talking about :) )

Ohkay, I shall remind myself to be more friendly.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some people's blogs just make me love blog-hopping. Yeah I've just been blog-hopping for an hour or so...

Meanwhile I've decided that I should blog while I can because I think I'll lose my head in homework and other school stuff soon.

Bro: Met any ungentlemanly guys today?
Me: I don't know what gentlemanly means anymore...
Bro: ~high-pitched laugh~

I don't meant it as an offence, or maybe a half of me does :), but frankly I didn't and still don't know what it means. O: Anyway JC is not the time to stare at guys and assess them... It's a time to try to get used to your class and JC life as well as you can. Anyway I think my CT is a bit sian-ish, except for some high and friendly people, harharh. I have quite a sian personality too, actually, so I'm not complaining. :) It's amusing to see who's running for council in my class. All the best if any of them do find their ways here.

I'm supposed to be sleeping early. I was falling asleep during the H3 science briefing today (oops).

I'm falling into the routine of coming home, then sitting around and reading, or just using the computer. I think this is bad. I must be more aware of my home... if not i'll just turn into my 2009 self. Like a studying zombie. :X

And if you were wondering why my brother asked me that, it's because of a certain interesting encounter that I had a few days ago >_>

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our fac dance is awesome but I wouldn't say the same of the partner.

Anyway I think campfire was really fun, just jumping around and skipping anyhow. We should have more campfires :) I think there will be a time next year or end of this year when I'll look back and say, "Those were the days....haiiii."

Was going to say more but not in the blogging mood anymore. :)

Long live thirteen!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Woot I think tomorrow is going to be a fun day. Saw my class today, mm i think it's quite a nice class? Shall see. Anyway there must be many ways to make your class a nice one right, there is so much studying/other work to do together for 2 years.

By the way I still don't get it when people stare off into space and declare that they love their OG. o_o I guess it's just my OG la. Can't find that really happy and homely kind of feeling that other people prolly have with their OGs when I'm with my own. Oops I hope no one from my OG finds her/his way here. Oh but I guess they'll just agree with me anyway.
Oh no enough of this pessimism, I'm starting to think cynical thoughts.