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Sunday, January 19, 2014

There's more selfishness in this world than I thought there was about a week ago.
I am disappointed. I thought I couldn't get any more cynical but now it seems my cynicism knows no limits.
But so? Who gives a hoot about this girl's feelings? I'm just a parasitic student learning the ways of the world. People will go on doing their own revision, having their lunches, planning their overseas trips. The world moves on. And so shall I, but with greater awareness. And zero self-pity.

"Did you hear that?" She whispered.
She paused to let him listen. After a few seconds, his eyes narrowed in curiosity.
"Yes. What's that?"
They both heard it. The slow fall of a rock bouncing down a cliff. The sounds were sparse, punctuated with long silences. But it sounded very far off. Only they could hear it. The rest of the world didn't have good ears like they had. Mum told them they were born with it.
"That is the sound of humanity crumbling." She lowered her head.

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