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Monday, January 6, 2014

gah people are making me pissed and i'm smiling to them on the outside. i hate behaving like that. friggin' law school. just make your own decisions, can't you, and if you wanna ask me for advice, you don't say weird things like oh we picked the same, so much competition! and i'm not at the good end of the competition either, my gpa sucks, blah. hope my internship choices are not being copied wholesale. urgh. also, do i look like i'm all-knowing? pfft. i'm flattered if people discuss their choices and doubts with me and ask me questions, but don't take it for granted. rarh. not helping you anymore.
okay if you're reading this, you are not who i'm talking about. don't worry. you don't need to burden yourself with the angsty me.
i need to see the lighter sides of human nature. i've had enough of the insecure, manipulative side.

and i need to stop wasting time angsting.

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