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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I really really want to go to certain countries! Let me list them because I love their sceneries (on Google images) so much:
1. Croatia (in summer)
2. New Zealand (in summer)
3. France (the nature side of it; in summer)
4. Iceland

I'm sure there are more places with awesome sceneries that I haven't noticed. Or don't contemplate on going to (like Brazil because I feel it is too far). But those are my top 3!!!
I want to go to one of them for grad trip!! But the huge problem is I don't think anyone will go with me? My interest lies more in nature and sightseeing, and some light hiking will be great. I don't think I can ever properly relax on a holiday in a city. Singapore is already a bustling city. I don't really wanna go to another place like Bangkok or Tokyo that reminds me of crammed public transport. The awesome food and shopping might almost make up for it, but I already get awesome food and shopping in Singapore (albeit of a different type).

Honestly, all my friends are city people. -_- I don't think there's a single one who loves hiking. 

The last resort is to wait for a honeymoon?! As has been suggested to me. But I think that's just waiting for something that may not happen. I'm not one to sit around waiting for chances. I can't relegate my dream to some shady game of chance.

I can't go on nature/sightseeing tours alone because I am not a very fit person and it's dangerous to go hiking alone. And my family will probably object vehemently, with good reason I think. And there's no possibility of making random friends on a solo tour because my grad trip, if there is one, is supposed to be only 2 weeks (because), and 2 weeks is too short a time to make any friends. 

Of course I'll try asking around but I'm not banking on anyone agreeing. Because all my friends seem to be city people. 

A future alternative... which I'm not too sure will happen...would be to go on my own when /if I make a mid-career switch. At that time, I'd probably be just ripe for a quarter/mid-life crisis so it will be nice to go somewhere to eat pray love. I'm dreaming of doing some work-travel arrangement. That will be so cool!

An alternative for now will be to ask my family if they wanna go anywhere nature-sy and nearby, in Southeast Asia. Perhaps Vietnam, there's awesome scenery too. *_*

Another alternative is perhaps to just settle for less and perhaps see if anyone is interested in going to other bustling cities. It's not always easy to get the best of both worlds. Gotta compromise sometimes. If I want to go overseas that badly.

Another alternative is to just stay at home lor. Grad trips are not an entitlement. I shouldn't be burning my savings just to experience a so-called rite of passage.

Haven't made up my mind yet because of school and its usual avalanche of work. 


  1. eh i cycled 24km offroad lolol in new forest. though that's technically not hiking...if you stick to the very well-trodden paths and are decent at map reading you should be fine even if you go alone haha. When you reach the not very bustling towns/villages you will miss efficient public transport, trust me (coming from the kid who walks ~7km a day). Ultimately it seems like the grass will always be greener on the other side haha >< let's race up bukit timah hill when btnr reopens! It's our cheap alternative...

    1. okay let's go! :D wow 24 km!?
      i think i am okay at map reading mostly in SG but i am still scared to go alone :(
