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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Just wanna blog because work is the most exciting thing I've done all day today... hahaha, so I need to spice up my day.

Well, actually I'm now working on a research paper for international law, and the topic I've chosen is the Israel-Palestine crisis. But what exactly about it I can't say for sure yet, although I've got a misty idea forming up in my mind. There's a whole ton of history and facts about the crisis, and I've spent approximately 2 whole days reading news articles and documents about the crisis. It's pretty sobering stuff to read, but really fascinating too, which is why I've chosen it as my topic. It's like discovering an alternate reality where violence has been the status quo for decades, except that it's actual reality ... And I compare that with my life, which sometimes involves me telling myself, for example, that I want to get a meal at 1 pm, and that I want to go to gym at 5 pm, and I wanna sleep by 1 am, and so on... A very peaceful, orderly existence I'd say, relative to the mess going on in that side of the world. Anyway, my research paper isn't gonna make any difference to the world. So it's just me, feeling intrigued by the research, and the prof reading my work over a cup of coffee maybe, and then getting a grade for the course.

I'm feeling pretty good about myself actually, because yesterday I went for a REALLY HARDCORE hike at Lion's Rock, which is over at the Kowloon side of Hong Kong (my university is on Hong Kong island, across a strip of sea). I wasn't expecting it to be so difficult, really. The ascent was fine, and the view at the top was great! A bit cloudy though. We saw this massive network of buildings and roads in front of us-- the Kowloon side of HK, and then further across the sea, Hong Kong Island shrouded in mist. We could see bits of cloud blowing past the rocky surface we were standing on. Cool.
My friend asked a bunch of people, who turned out to be guys, for directions after that. They told us where to go, alright, but then one of them asked my friend if his friend was handsome o.o Totally off-point and slightly creepy. We scuttled off, and we joked about those weird guys, and then some of my friends started screaming "LENG ZAI!!!" And the rest of us were like "OMG stop it let's run away". Hahaha. Thankfully when we turned back we found that the guys were still way behind us, little figures among the trees.
And then came the descent, which was horribly steep! Well thank goodness somebody had the heart to build stairs, so we didn't have to navigate sandy rocks and more rocks, unlike at the ascent. But the stairs were extremely long and felt never-ending. 20% into the descent, my legs started feeling weak, and then maybe 40% into the descent, my legs started feeling wobbly, and then the rest of that was just me telling my legs to hang in there or else I wouldn't have any other way to get home.
So when we finally arrived at the bottom, there was still a road going downhill. And we paused for a while because we saw a monkey staring at us looking really puzzled. And while standing, I could actually feel my legs trembling under my weight! A bit freaky. But thankfully, we caught a minibus back to civilization after that. And we all made it home safely. Although we were all super tired. Tired isn't even a strong enough word.

So I feel like it's a major accomplishment for me and my weak legs.

I like hiking though, it makes me feel more focused, I guess, and definitely more healthy as well. And feeling healthy = feeling young. ;) I wanna continue hiking back home... gonna drag people to go with me!

Okay I'm done recounting my mini-adventure and spicing up my day. :)

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