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Friday, January 23, 2015

I'm not very used to this life yet-- sharing a room, not having any close friends or family around me, and having to settle my own meals.
But soon I will get used to it I guess! The people I've met so far are quite nice and they are the sporting type-- they like to go out. And I think I will start cooking my own meals too. It's just too sad to wander around the streets and look for a place with nice food and then eat alone at a strange table. It's good to have a hand in one's diet-- healthy soup, simple boiling, that's good enough. Reminds me of home.
Yesterday I had a bout of homesickness. Started thinking how convenient everything was back at home. And how comfy my bed is, and everyone else. But then I thought of SMU and then I realized I'm quite glad to be here. :P I don't think I'll ever stop feeling homesick-- I'll feel homesick everyday, but I'll also enjoy (almost) everyday, yeah.
Met my buddy today. She's nice. And she's really busy. I was just thinking that I'll never be like her-- I actually seem lazy and unmotivated next to her lol. I realize that my HK friends (2 of them) are really hardworking people.  They don't take anything for granted. They actually have a clear ambition in life-- both of them want to be criminal litigators. Cool. They complained about how corporate work was very boring. I agree. And I'm quite impressed by how they don't choose the well-trodden path of corporate work (which I settled for), and how they both seem confident of where they are going with life, and how they are humble as well. They know how hard it is to achieve their goal but they don't seem to be wavering. It's really competitive in HK. More so than in Singapore, I would say. So it is through them that I see myself clearly-- I don't think I'm all that interested in being a lawyer, given the amount of complaining I do about how much struggling there is and how pointless I think it is.
I think by being a criminal lawyer, one will really make a difference to society. But I won't be a criminal lawyer. They started talking about this body parts murder in HK, which happened last year, and I felt really squeamish like all my blood vessels were quivering. I don't think I'll be any lawyer, at the rate things are going. But it's fine, it's not too late to keep trying. And even if it doesn't yield any fruit, there's always alternative career plans which won't pale in comparison.
I just thought of how maybe I'm living life by going through the mill, and not really knowing what I want to do. Even though when I work hard for the law exams I tell myself 'yeah I'm gonna be a lawyer so I've gotta work hard for the exams'. It's just that-- I happened to be a good student, got okay grades, and lacked originality so I went into law school. But that's just one side of the story I guess. I genuinely enjoy learning some of the more philosophical/social science-y law modules.
I think I'll enjoy my lessons here. Even though I don't really have any friends in those classes, I think whether I have friends or not doesn't make a difference to my learning. Except maybe when the assignments come, and there's no one to consult, then there's a problem. But there will be a way. Anyway I'm an exchange student... so... I can give 99% and not 100%, something like that. :P

Sending all my love to Singapore. I've met 2 people so far who said that Singapore is an awesome place ("the best country", said one). Seemed pretty sincere. Cool.

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