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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sometimes I'm influenced to feel that everything I say and do has an irretrievable consequence and I make every move with gravity and caution because I'm afraid of making a mistake or hurting somebody's feelings. It sucks and I feel really heavy, but crap it does feel like that in law school. My revision technique, things I say in class, everything seems to impact my grades and hence my life (misconception arising from trying too hard and still spectacularly not succeeding). But acting with gravity and caution doesn't prevent me from making mistakes. Sometimes it works, other times it turns me into an expressionless scarecrow.
Point is, it does feel good to hang around with people who understand that life isn't like that. I like to hang around them and watch the lightness of their movements. And listen to our laughter billow into the air like dandelion fluff.

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