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Sunday, March 6, 2016

omg suits season 5 episode 10 just broke my heart
i feel like all the characters are friends living inside my mind now

Okay I feel I need to write something more to explain my liking for this drama haha.
There are many great proverbs in the English language that we've come across, but the two that are most relevant today are a) truth is stranger than fiction and b) the best revenge is living well yourself.

I think most people can identify with all the characters at some point in the show. That's strange, isn't it, because the characters are fleshed out quite well already, so how could a person possibly identify with all of them? I think that humans are very complex in real life and they have many sides to their characters, and they have a lot of history that resides in their inner psyches. So truth is stranger than fiction, because at times we could be behaving like Louis, at times Harvey, at times whoever. And stranger things happen. I think this show teaches a lot.

I have a love-hate relationship with him. But his character has really changed a lot over the seasons, for the better. I can identify with most of the times Louis was a bitch to Harvey/Mike/anyone else (except for season 1), because he is a very sensitive individual. Can't blame him for being emotional, or navel-gazing, or petty. He's just like that. And at least he lets his feelings out rather than let them fester into something worse inside his mind. It's very human to want revenge, or even if you can't have revenge, it's very human to want to get back at people in the tiniest and pettiest ways. But what redeems him in my eyes is that he has that basic ability to be honest about himself, to look at himself in the mirror and know himself for who he is, with a lot of help from his friends (he actually doesn't show this quality until quite late). So he has learnt the hard way, several times, that he can be petty and navel-gazing, and he tries to put it right. While it's human to want revenge, it is then basic humanity that makes us stop ourselves from exacting cruel revenge on people based on small provocations.

He's an unapologetic badass. And I can identify a Hamlet-complex in him (thanks to my Shakespeare class!). I've grasped, by contrasting him with Louis, that the best way to live your life is not be so petty like how Louis is. It usually only backfires on yourself. The best revenge is to live well, and Harvey does that extremely well. People come at Harvey from all corners, but he nips the problem in the bud and then brushes them off, and then continues living his badass life. Not bad! Even gets a little boring after a while, that's why season 5.
But he can be very insecure without the people he relies on the most, i.e. Donna and Mike. And I love it when he jumps to their defences when they're threatened. I love how he loves his father's records.

The Queen... what else is there to say? Love the scenes where she refuses to let people bully her-- she just quickly thinks of a way to let their bully plan backfire.

Enormous amount of empathy... that's why she's so popular! And always a step ahead of other people's emotions. And selfless too.

-end of fangirling-

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