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Monday, March 28, 2016

I'm totally against preaching my worldview. So I'm writing this to myself, as a mental note.
The trouble with doing things primarily for the money you earn or the prestige that comes with it is that your life becomes rather empty after a while. Say several years, a decade, or more, but it will feel empty eventually.
Everyone knows that the standard of living here can be high. (keywords: can be) Many feel the desire to earn more so that they come across as more successful, more reliable, etc. But to use that as the main justification for the way you live your life... it sounds convincing at first, but when you think about it again, you may start to feel a kind of hardness forming in your heart. That is the feeling you get from squeezing all your life's goals, childhood dreams, unfulfilled desires, into one narrow path called the career ladder.
If you've got a bread-and-butter job, count yourself lucky. Lead a simple life and don't pretend to be rich by hankering after great food, great holidays, and so on. Most of the older generation i.e. our parents and grandparents understood this.
Everyone sees life through different lenses. I've just presented life through my lens. Pick a lens that suits your worldview the most and be contented.