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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

In lieu of school, I shall remind myself to always be myself and be at peace with myself and everyone around me.
And to try to bring up my GPA.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Some scattered late night opinions. I just can't sleep right now. Given that I just came back from 2 days of busking, it's gonna be very samba-related. But I can say for sure that joining samba was one of the best decisions of my (young) life. Other decisions just pale in comparison, they seem to be chance occurrences compared to this. Because I think samba has made a huge print on my life, that's why. Sometimes I don't enjoy it because... just because. Sometimes it majorly gets in the way of other more important stuff; sometimes I feel uncomfortable. And these negative moments make me declare that we live in a deeply superficial world and in graver instances they have thrown me into existential crises. But I've learnt to see beyond that. What's more important is
a) recognizing that you're just a very tiny cog in the universe (or maybe you aren't even a cog; you're just a particle floating about)
b) contributing what you have anyway
c) knowing who you are and why you make certain decisions
d) having explosions of fun at the same time


Somehow, feeling small makes me feel very carefree. I can do anything I please. Or, I feel infinite. And the world around me will dance and clap and smile with me. Because everyone loves feeling free.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Here's one of those nights where I feel like every particle in me and around me is vibrating and singing with energy. (from a physics point of view, they are literally vibrating.) I can't sleep. All the energy is keeping me awake!
Why? Probably because there was so much awesomeness today: watched The Hobbit and then had samba after that. Awesomeness x 2. Not to forget comfortable company who watched Hobbit with me.
This is the life. Truly. :)

I love Tolkien. I love Peter Jackson. I love Legolas. I love Thorin Oakenshield. I love Bilbo Baggins. I love Bard. I love Gandalf. I love samba. I love everyone!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Don't just live. Live life as you want it to be. That would be synonymous with living life to its fullest, I think.

On a side note, I concede. I concede that my personality type is ISFP. which was the first ever result I got when I was in secondary school or something. Changed a lot over the years-- and this rings true of ISFPs, who are described as hard to know. ;) so that explains all these years of me trying to find out who I am and not being pleased with the descriptions I got with each personality type.
Not that it matters, I don't really give a hoot what type I am anymore.
Because what matters is not who I am (would anyone know it of themselves?) but what I want out of the sacred thing called life.
Shall end of with a quote I've lifted from the personality type page of ISFPs, ahahaha:
"I change during the course of a day. I wake and I’m one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I’m somebody else." -- Bob Dylan

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When I am able to build landscapes in my mind
That's when I know I'm free.

And when these landscapes merge with reality
Reality of my own doing
That's when I know I'm myself.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Really like this quote I picked up from that scary murder mystery book I talked about:
Be choosy with who you love, and even choosier with who you hate.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The things we keep secret are the things which matter most to us. And which we think are very fragile or destructive.
But it does feel good to just stop giving a hoot about them (here you might notice I've censored myself) and just let it all tumble out of your mouth when people ask. (or your fingers when they're tapping on your phone)
Not talking about a one-off incident but incidents accumulated over time.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sit alone in a room for a while
And then ask yourself, are you happy with who you are?
For me, the honest answer is no.
But does it make a difference? No, it doesn't change anything, except to remind myself (again) that I must continue searching for the thing that makes me happy with who I am. And I think this thought also makes me more humble.

As I search, I shall continue to have lots of fun!

But oh gosh, the sound of a raw bluesy voice with guitars is unparalleled.
E.g. In Chiangmai, we were walking around the night market while dudes in different pubs around the area were singing their souls out to the night air with a guitar slung around their shoulder. Lovely.
My next memory associated with Chiangmai is that all of us except 1 suffered from food poisoning. I vomited the night I came back from Chiangmai. Mum has diarrhoea, aunts vomited. Doctor attributes it to ice (made from unboiled tap water).
One day, I will visit UK, and the bluesy musical areas of US like Oregon, Nashville, what else? Not sure yet. And I'll sit in all the open-air restaurants with live bands and have my dinners there.

Turns out I'm not all that happy with who I am but I'm very happy with my dreams. Not sure what that means. Pretty sure it doesn't mean anything though.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

When all seems lost, faith will keep you going.
And when it's over, you can be comforted by the fact that you kept your faith going.
(i mean faith in general, not religion)

Monday, December 2, 2013

After a day of being a bit obsessed with CLS (the exam tomorrow) and slacking a bit
i realize that OMG i've been neglecting prop too (exam the day after)
so here's a happy little song to tide me over

it's very nice to sing along to.