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Friday, January 29, 2010

2nd day of orientation, first day for me. I feel like I've betrayed my mu3 xiao4 okay, cheering for the school across the road.

Still, cheering is fun. Playing not so. Hahah.

I just realized today how fast these two years will pass. I must cherish whatever time I have on my hands to do whatever I'd like to, regardless of whether I'll make mistakes or not. Something interesting from the writer Oscar Wilde: To regain one's youth one must repeat the follies of his youth. This has stuck with me ever since I read it. Knowing the warped (but maybe quite truthful) reasonings this book has, I'm not sure how accurate this statement is. But for me it simply means that we should let go of any regrets we might have now, or might acquire next time.

But of course too much thinking is not good. For now I just want to learn how to balance friend and family life and try to treat both groups of people as well as they deserve to be. I said this because my brother had to remind me that tomorrow's my mum's birthday celebration (not birthday mind you it's celebration so it's not such a bad mistake yet).
And of course this includes not burying myself in school work (although you'll rarely see me do that unless I get scared) and not anyhow plunging into extended social networks.

Anyway, to round this off, today's session was quite ~@~@~@ and I miss my class. 8|

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I think I've lost interest in my blog; it's much more interesting hanging around with anyone I know and walking and chattering away...

I'm still thinking of the not-so-distant future, when I start to tear my hair out (not literally) over work and grades. I hope my days in JC stay like what they are now-- calm and carefree. Just for my slacker self. :)

--The End--

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm feeling very apprehensive now. Not looking forward to school at all! Now I think the 9 week break is quite a good idea. It's so that we can have enough time to prepare ourselves for the horror of school. But holidays are never enough!

It is time to force myself to think that school is coming...

I can't bear the idea of walking around in my old school uniform.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Am now in the comfort of my brother's room (?), save for the fact that it doesn't smell as sweet as my own room. Anyway, the reason I came on here was to loudly announce my relief that it is over. Today was the last session. Yay!

I don't think I'll ever stand within 10 metres of a senior of this cca wing again.


When school starts every thing will go back to square one again-- I'll lose my head in worry about results and all that stuff.
At least I hope that doesn't happen again.
We'll see...


Going back to school these 2 saturdays brought me within close proximity of the elite
(humanities) students. And I really think that in jc, your social life starts in your cca.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Am now getting used to the holidays. My system is lag that way...

Or maybe I just feel more used to holiday life because I just finished my munip work and i'm playing on the computer now... so it reminds me of term time when I almost always stayed up till this late on the computer. What an odd idea.

But there's an extra plus point here-- I get to arrange my own time. No more forcing myself to get up just to have yet another day's worth of boring lessons and revision and whatblahhaveyous. :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Just finished ONE position paper! And I spent almost the whole day on it...

Anyway, nothing much has been happening here actually. The first few days of 2010 have been quite peaceful and uneventful.

Except that I spent those few days debating about which subject combinations to take.

I shall spend the next few days:
1) doing MUN homework -____-
2) helping with errands at home
3) chatting online
4) reading
5) getting mum to teach me how to make __!

Just posted cos I couldn't stand seeing my new year's resolutions again. :)

Enjoy your holidays. :D