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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Print-screened from Coldplay's lyric video for Atlas. I love the music video, it's so calming. And it reminds me of the calmness of outer space, which I experienced vicariously while watching Interstellar.
Humans have always tried to assert their dominance. They built castles, they mummified themselves, they ordered thousands of teracotta warriors to be made for their burial. They thought they were the masters of all Creation, they thought they were divine. They demanded to be worshipped.
But they didn't know they were only living on a fraction of a speck of dust. [Carl Sagan]
They didn't know that all their dreams were built on pillars of salt and sand, to collapse at the slightest force. [Coldplay]
Magnificent dreams plans come to naught.

(because actually we can still keep dreaming)

We still go on trying to live our lives because...

we've lived out many happy moments on this speck of dust, and we will live out happier moments to come.

and the value of our lives do not decrease just because the universe is infinite, damn it!

but when we start to think we ought to be worshipped, or that we are the centre of the universe, or that everything should go our way, that's when we know we've crossed the line.

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