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Friday, February 26, 2016

I've fallen in love with suits! The show! If you're wondering why, it's because the dialogue is so good! The soundtrack is awesome too.
Spoilers ahead. If you haven't watched season 4 episode 11.

But I have to call a time out for a while (at most a day). I'm quite overwhelmed by Louis' sudden transformation back to his old season 1 self. All this while I've been thinking that he isn't so bad after all but now that he snapped back to his old self I realise that he has two sides, and the nice side is only for people who are subconsciously or consciously withholding power from him. He probably doesn't know it himself but now that the puzzles have snapped into place it seems that all along the best description of him is vain, vindictive and single-minded.
Well, Harvey and Jessica may not be very likeable themselves. But they don't have two sides. So even if they are assholes you can see that they are assholes. They know that their friends can be assholes but in the end they understand why their friends did what they did, and their friendship remains. Louis is an asshole in disguise. His friends must be 100% loyal to him and cannot be assholes to him, and if they cross a line they can never go back. That's a perspective which can only come from a vain person. Although I concede that he has been treated quite meanly at times so it has only exacerbated this quality in him. Who knows, he may change for the better.
And what's more, Harvey has really grown positively as a character! He's starting to care for people and he's willing to make some sacrifices for them. He's still badass but not so cold-hearted anymore.
Rachel is a little irritating because she's so emotional but I get that girls are emotional including myself so I won't say anymore on this.
Donna is the heroine of the show. She's everyone's conscience. Enough said. Why's she still single?? I really ship Harvey/Donna. If they weren't in a law firm, which is impossible, they would be a perfect married couple. I think season 100 should end with them retiring and getting married. Ha.
Louis' snap transformation is bothering me and tonight I'll be thinking about him.
Even though most people are on season 5.

Suits is the first U.S. show that I've liked. The rest I've seen are too. Ew.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

So there's this list of micro-aggressions that relatives apparently say to one another during CNY. It probably started out as a joke (I didn't see the birth of the list though) but I think it quickly degenerated. While a few are downright rude, most are really just harmless remarks that don't deserve to be on the list. If they are to be classified as "micro-aggressions", then it would show that some people nowadays are too sensitive to be able to carry on casual conversations. If you're secure enough you'd be able to stand your ground firmly without feeling offended. In life, curve balls come your way all the time. Just deflect them. If the smallest of remarks count as a micro-aggression, I'd say it's time to live a secluded and peaceful life as a hermit.
Prestige anxiety is still well and alive in Singapore. People are still awfully concerned about their "face". We need to remove ourselves from this toxic mindset, and live our lives as we truly want them to be. And be able to tell anyone about it to their faces, whether they are mocking us or not. Or sometimes, deep down, they are in their own ways, simply trying to understand us. Let them try.